您的支持将为学生提供在课堂上取得成功的基本必需品. 在你的帮助下, we can make sure every student in Miami-Dade County begins the new school year equipped and ready to thrive!
AG亚游集团官方网站AG亚游集团官网线路检测支持所有334个,000+学生和18,AG亚游集团官方网站公立学校有超过000名教师. 您的捐款将有助于确保孩子们获得学业成功所需的工具.
The Education Fund 海洋银行教材中心 is in desperate need of core school supplies for the upcoming school year!
- 背包
- 儿童读物(K-12)
- 图画纸上
- 作文书籍
- 拷贝纸
- 蜡笔(24数)
- 分规
- 干擦记号笔
- 胶棒
- 香皂
- 笔用
- 索引卡
- 橡皮擦
- 填充纸(大专或宽直纹纸)
- 铅笔
- 铅笔袋
- 笔
- 口袋里的文件夹
- 统治者
- 便签
- 剪刀
- 组织
- 可洗的标记
- 还有更多!
联系乔斯林·萨拉查 jsalazar@helznguyen.com or 打电话/发短信(786)510-1017
*如果你大量购买, we work with select wholesale vendors at special pricing to ensure your dollar is stretched far for every student in Miami-Dade County! Donating funds to AG亚游集团官方网站 to purchase supplies on your behalf guarantees reduced rates on school supplies.